Credit Insurance may make youR loan payments when you can’t
Life can be wonderful. But it can also get complicated when unexpected things happen. Protecting your loan payments against the unexpected, such as a disability or covered life event [including dismemberment and terminal illness] could help you protect more than your finances. It could help lighten the burden for the people you care about. Insure your loan payments today so you can worry a little less about tomorrow.
There’s no way to predict an injury, illness or other unexpected life event. You can take steps to protect your family if the unforeseen happens. Credit disability and credit life insurance may help reduce or pay off your covered loan or make your monthly loan payment, up to the policy maximum, in the event of a covered life event, injury, illness or death.
You decide which payments you want to protect and the monthly premium may be added to your loan. Coverage is designed to fit your lifestyle, it is totally voluntary, and it won’t affect your loan approval. It’s simple to apply [for individual or joint coverage]. You can sign up for credit insurance at your loan closing, or anytime you’d like.
For more information, stop by your local branch or call us at 800.228.6420.
Need to make a claim?
In your time of need, our claims process is quick and easy. If you elected payment protection on your loan, you can use this convenient claims process to quickly and easily file your insurance claim. To begin, click on the claims link below. If you prefer, call 1.844.707.4964 to begin the process and a CUNA Mutual Group Claims Specialist will guide you through the process.
© CUNA Mutual Group, All Rights Reserved. Disclosure: CUNA Mutual Group is the marketing name for CUNA Mutual Holding Company, a mutual insurance holding company, its subsidiaries and affiliates. Your purchase of MEMBER’S CHOICE® Credit Life and Credit Disability Insurance, underwritten by CMFG Life Insurance Company, is optional and will not affect your application for credit or the terms of any credit agreement required to obtain a loan. Certain eligibility requirements, conditions, and exclusions may apply. Please contact your loan representative or refer to the Group Policy for a full explanation of the terms. CA Only: Claims may be filed by contacting your credit union. If you have questions regarding your claim status, contact CMFG Life at 800.621.6323. California Department of Insurance Consumer Hotline: 800.927.4357. Credit Union License #: [insert credit union license number] VT Only: Claims may be filed by contacting your credit union. If you have questions regarding your claim status, contact CMFG Life at 800.621.6323. Only a licensed insurance agent may provide consultation on your insurance needs.