Graphic image to represent security

Protect Against Fraud

Scam artists and identity thieves seem to be everywhere these days. The best way to fight fraud? With a team effort.

Commitment to Security

At Commonwealth Credit Union, Security is our #1 Priority. We take our role as stewards of your money very seriously and value the trust you have placed in us. We are constantly monitoring our systems and providing safeguards against the newest phishing attempts, scams, cyber threats, and more. Our credit union is laser-focused on cybersecurity all day, every day. 

Commonwealth Credit Union is committed to:
  • Ensuring that our network security is operating with the most up-to-date software to guard against cyber attacks
  • Automating cybersecurity protection 24/7
  • Monitoring the Dark Web 
  • Maintaining a comprehensive disaster recovery strategy 
  • Adapting our security processes during times of heightened activity